About Robert

Robert Wilde is a writer from Flitwick in Britain, and he’s mentioned that partly because of the Harry Potter connection. He covers non-fiction, particularly history, but loves writing stories and hopes people will love reading them too. He has an MA in history from Sheffield University and has written about the subject digitally and in print for over twenty years. He is passionate about writing history in a way people will engage with.

In terms of fiction, he is inspired by the old masters like MR James and Lovecraft, but also modern writers like Steven Moffat. Robert’s first novel was called Adored, and was described by a reader as “very good but really, really depressing.” If you’re (un)lucky he might release it one day.

There’s no picture here because he’s rather shy; he also doesn’t like writing in third person.


Due to web crawlers and spammers I don’t have my email publicly displayed. The way to contact me is to sign up to my newsletter and reply to one of those, or take the email address from it. Sorry, but you can always unsubscribe if you think I’m an idiot. I will try to reply to anything polite, but abuse will be ignored / mentioned to my friends for a laugh.